As the world’s eyes remain focused on the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, we unveil a new nano-material technology – GC Ink™ – that could make our most vulnerable public spaces safer from the transmission of viruses and bacteria, including Coronavirus, by neutralizing them.

GC Ink™ has been independently tested by Brown University to show 100 percent effectiveness at neutralizing coronavirus and influenza viruses in under one minute, and the findings have been published on bioRxiv.

This fast-acting, extremely effective, and safe formulation of graphene and silver nanoparticles can be applied to masks and other PPE, and in particular, applied to filters in ventilation systems.  When used in filters and masks, GC Ink™ is highly effective at trapping and neutralizing airborne coronaviruses and other viruses/bacteria for several weeks. When used in wipes, GC Ink also leaves a thin, highly effective, safe layer of protection against viruses and bacteria that lasts for 24 hours

GC’s technology is highly effective because it has a dual-action mechanism: the negatively-charged surface of graphene oxide traps the positively-charged parts of water droplets and the protein spikes on coronavirus; the silver nanoparticles release ions that oxidize the lipid membrane protecting coronavirus RNA, thereby neutralizing it.

“Making the air that we breathe and the surfaces that we touch much safer could be a key enabler in the safe reopening of schools and other public spaces.” said Sandy Chen, GC CEO & Co-Founder. “GC Ink™ is a powerful weapon against not only this pandemic, but against a broad range of viruses and bacteria. We are now moving into full commercialization of our GC Ink™ with several manufacturing partners in a wide variety of applications, from masks to filters to consumer goods.”

Brown’s top respiratory virologist, Amanda M. Jamieson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, who led the tests, said, “Our results show that this technology is very effective at preventing infection by two important respiratory viruses which clearly has important implications for this pandemic and the next one.”

As demand for GC Ink™ rises, Graphene Composites is well positioned to scale production to meet demand across the United States and worldwide, with the State of Rhode Island-funded Nanomaterials Center of Excellence at 401 Tech Bridge serving as a key production facility.

Brown is now in the process of testing the virus in a BSL3 facility in partnership with the Rhode Island Dept of Health (RIDOH). Because the tested Coronavirus OC43 and SARS-CoV-2 (which causes Covid-19) have similar structures, it is expected that GC Ink™ will prove to be similarly effective against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

GC Ink™ formulations are protected by patents pending.

About Graphene Composites:  Graphene Composites is a world leader in nanomaterials engineering.  We are driven by our ethos – GC for Good – working with our partners to apply our expertise in graphene and other nanomaterials engineering to make truly life-enhancing products.

About Brown University: Brown’s Jamieson Lab conducted the tests in their Bio Safety Level 2 (BSL2) labs in Providence, Rhode Island, using a standard plaque assay approach, similar to the ISO international standards for anti-viral testing. Further tests are underway.