Developments in the US continue apace and last week we not only had the opportunity to meet with 3 key Rhode Island congressmen but also show our bulletproof shields in action with a live demonstration in front of local police forces, business leaders and politicians.

Meeting with US Senator Reed, US Representative Cicilline and US Representative Langevin individually, we discussed GC USA’s evolution, technology and future roadmap with a broad discussion on how our products and enterprise would benefit Rhode Island and ultimately the wider nation too.



Our live demonstration at the Rhode Island State Police firing range, showcased the GC Shield against high powered rifle, shotgun and handgun rounds, and impressively, the GC Shield Plus against 17 M193 rounds fired from an AR-15, at a range of 10 yards.






This is an important step for us as we continue to build momentum and support across the region but also at a national, federal level.